Luisito’s Top 10 Movies of the 2010s

10. Warrior
Might be my favorite sports movie of all time. Great family drama and rivalry between two brothers. You don’t have to be a MMA or sports fan to love this movie.

9. Logan
Arguably the best X-Men movie and a great ending to the franchise. Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart put on their best performances as we send off their iconics characters. Proof Disney is not the only one who can make a good Marvel movie.

8. Avengers: Infinity War
There has never been a movie with so much build up like the MCU’s Avengers: Infinity War. An adaptation of the Infinity Gauntlet comics with a lot of major changes but we get a live action version of Thanos’ snap. One of the MCU’s biggest weaknesses was their villains, but Thanos becomes their best, even ending the movie on top.

7. Avengers: Endgame
Part 2 and conclusion of the Infinity Saga, where the remaining Avengers travel through time to fix their biggest failure. Like Logan, this movie was a great farewell to Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. I was also a big fan of the scene between Thor and his mother. I’ve seen this movie multiple times and I always get chills when Falcon says on your left and that’s why I picked Endgame over Infinity War.

6. Captain America: Winter Soldier
The sequel to Captain America The First Avenger, and a continuation to the relationship between Steve and Bucky and the war against Hydra. Winter Soldier is a great spy thriller in a world of superhero movies. This is the 9th movie in the MCU and still has the best plot twist in the series.

5. Ex Machina
A great original sci-fi movie by Alex Garland with great performances by Oscar Issac, Domhnall Gleeson and Alicia Vikander. A movie full of intelligent people trying to manipulate each other with a protagonist who doesn’t know what is really going on. I came out of this movie becoming a fan of its director and actors.

4. Your Name
A good mix of comedy, drama and fantasy. A different take on the Freaky Friday and the Rom-Com concept where your emotions get sent on a roller coaster ride. The film has a plot twist which causes it to take a tragic turn that was hard to see coming.

3. A Silent Voice
A great emotional film about teenagers dealing with depression and bullying. We see the life of a deaf girl and her childhood bully as they grow up and deal with their past. Everyone was great from the supporting cast to the leads. Highly recommend this movie if you haven’t seen it.

2. Inception
Another great original sci-fi movie, this one by my favorite director Christopher Nolan. One of my favorite sub-genres are heist films and this is a whole new take on it. On top of the high concept sci-fi, we get a bit of tragedy performed greatly by Leonardo DiCaprio. 

1. Arrival
My favorite movie of the decade is another sci-fi film by director Denis Villeneuve. This is one of those movies that gets better every time you watch it, as you pick up things you missed the first time. This isn’t your typical alien invasion movie and it is slow paced (so not for everyone) but the pay off is so great and changes how you view the entire movie.

Book Review: Lust


LUST: The Shameful Vice of Impurity (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2)


By Black Hare Press
Due to Christianity, I was already fascinated by the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins and this book did not disappoint. The Authors do a great job creating many unique stories based on the deadly sin, Lust. I would say it’s impossible not to find one story you won’t love. There’re stories reminiscent of Black Mirror, anime and monster horror. There’s a little bit of horror, fantasy, sci-fi and even some comedy.


My personal favorite stories were:
The Council of Six and a Half by K.B. Elijah
Unplugged by M. Sydnor
Aramis and Shelby by Catherine Kenwell
#IAmHuman by J.L. Royce
The Red Pierce Reunion Tour by J.M. Meyer


Lust is the second book in Black Hare Press’ Seven Deadly Sins series. I was published in the first book of the series (Pride) but I’m not in Lust so I felt it was okay for me to write a review on this book.



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My Debut Collection





The year is 189 of the United World Century and there has been peace for just as long. While there hasn’t been war since, crime is still a plague on the world. The Midnight Animals are a mercenary group who are trying to become one of the world’s greatest crime lords.This collection is made up of 12 short stories revolving around the members of the Midnight Animals and the girl who follows them.